New York to Paris


New York to Paris

New York to Paris

Logo design for a new salon. This was the beginning of a branding for a client. Other marketing materials were produced based on the logo, which included business cards, brochures & some interior design elements.

American Epidemic

American Epidemic

American Epidemic is a new band in Buffalo that were looking for a logo. After numerous band meetings they were able to get their choices down to a winner. The next project for them involved stage
drop, T-shirt designs and a Demo CD inlay.



A logo design for Acacia, which is a private home care company. The concept the client wanted was " Being able to rest easy." The laurel leaves were the final piece to the puzzle.

Teaka Toys

Teaka Toys

A Decal for the exclusive members of the Teaka Toys Jeep Club.
A “Big Boys with Big Toys” club.

Aaron Paige Salon

Aaron Paige Salon

This is the new logo for the newest salon in town. The client came to the table with no idea what she really wanted, but did know some of the colors she wanted to use.
After a couple of revisions we ended up with this for the new store front billboard sign and a very similar feel for the business cards.

Monty's Boot Camp

Monty's Boot Camp

A logo for a start up fitness trainer. Looking to give his clients a real "no pain no gain" military style workout.

Dirty D D.J. service

Dirty D D.J. service

Just a fun logo I got to create to try and help a friend get his side DJ business going.

The Levee

The Levee

An logo for someone who was trying to get a micro-brew started.

Barnes Logos

Barnes Logos

Creating a few variations of a new logo design for the Barnes Food Company. They are currently working on a new marketing and branding campaign.